"The road of cleansing goes through that desert, it shall be named the way of holiness." (Isaiah Ch 35:8)
"Some old men came to see Abba Poemen and said to him, 'When we see brothers who are dozing at the synaxis, shall we rouse them so that they will be watchful?' He said to them, 'For my part when I see a brother who is dozing, I put his head on my knees and let him rest.'"Books... 'Sacrament Of Love'- by Paul Evdokimov If you have a yahoo account you can log into google books and view pages from the book here. Bookstore availabilities: Archdiocese*, Fishpond, Christianbook Australia or The Nile Bookstore. 'The Fathers Of The Church - Barsanuphius and John', Vol I & Vol II Bookstore availabilities: Fishpond 'Letters From The Desert - Barsanuphius and John' - translated by John Chryssavgis This is a less expensive version of the above letters. Bookstore availabilities: Archdiocese*, Fishpond, Christianbook Australia or The Nile Bookstore.
'The Philokalia' - by St Nikodimos
If you have a yahoo account you can log into google books and view pages from the book here.
This is the paperback versions - volumes I, II, III & IV.
Bookstore availabilities: Fishpond, Shearer's Bookshop or The Nile Bookstore.
Books by James Cowan:
'Desert Father'
Bookstore availabilities: Fishpond, Shearer's Bookshop or The Nile Bookstore.
'Francis: A Saint's Way', 'Journey to the Inner Mountain' and 'Messengers of the Gods'.
(These books are harder to find for purchase. Berkelouw can order them in (9560 3200/ leichhardt@berkelouw.com.au) or please check your local library).
'Death Sentence' - by Don Watson
Measure your speech. This book talks about how language has emptied itself of it's meaning in today's society.
Bookstore availabilities: Fishpond or Shearer's Bookshop.
* Archdiocese book store (email: bookcentre@greekorthodox.org.au)
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